How BCDA is Impacting Lives Through Economic Development

While the words “economic development” aren’t uncommon, it’s not always easy to understand what they mean. For more than 20 years, the Boone County Development Agency (BCDA) has taken a proactive approach to supporting business and infrastructure across each of the county’s communities.

BCDA's Focus in Boone County

A non-profit organization, BCDA is dedicated to creating programs and identifying resources that help develop Boone County into a flourishing, prosperous, family-friendly, and united county.

More specifically, the organization leads new business development, business expansion, and workforce recruitment. Examples of these focus areas include the Energizing Entrepreneurs program designed to guide individuals from business plans to openings and local job postings and promotions.

Outside of business-specific initiatives, BCDA has also been heavily involved in projects that support quality of life, including the Boone County Trails System and Boone Beginnings.

Members of the BCDA Board

To support the needs of every Boone County community, the BCDA board is comprised of representatives from across the county. This includes two representatives from each Boone County community plus two county commissioners:

  • Albion: Marcus Johnson and Michelle Olson
  • Cedar Rapids: Lee McPhilips
  • Petersburg: Tina Stokes and Ross Knott
  • St. Edward: Dean Hamling and Eric Smith
  • County Commissioner: Brian Yosten
  • Members At Large: Brandi Yosten, Greg Luettel, Dani O’Brien and Irene Dresch

BCDA Funding & Contributions

Funding for BCDA is provided by county and community memberships. These funds support staff salaries, programs and other key initiatives. Some of the organization’s recent accomplishments include:

  • BCDA’s grant writing assistance led to more than 2 million grant dollars being awarded to support community projects, including the construction of St. Edward Community Center, Petersburg Splash Pad, Boone County Trails System, and the Boone County Ag and Education Center.
  • In 2021 BCDA secured 28 acres of land to create the Boone County Industrial Park. Zoned as heavy industrial and located along rail and Highway 39, the area is ideal for business and job growth. Ten acres have been sold to DC Seed & Chemical and three additional projects have shown interest in the space.
  • Contributions of over $200,000 to expanding businesses were made through a combination of grants and the BCDA Gap Financing Loan Program.
  • BCDA invested over $30,000 in a workforce and quality of life promotional campaign called “Live,  Work, Grow in Boone Co.” The campaign is designed to highlight various opportunities and quality of life people will find should they choose to relocate to Boone County.


Learn more here about BCDA and how the organization supports economic development across the county. 

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