Businesses for sale in Boone County
Do you want to fulfill your entrepreneurial dreams, but don’t want to start from scratch? Let us help you connect with established businesses that are ready to transition to their next phase.

Bar/Restaurant For Sale - Petersburg
This fully operational bar is situated along the highway in Petersburg, NE.
If you are interested in purchasing this business, contact Hannah or Pat Cleveland. (402) 741-1614.
Cafe Building For Sale - Albion
Building in Albion is for sale. It is currently outfitted for a cafe, but it would make a great space for any office or small business. Nice corner lot, downtown Albion.
If you are interested in purchasing this building, contact Hannah or Pat Cleveland.

Turnkey Bar located in Cedar Rapids
This fully operational bar is situated in downtown Cedar Rapids, NE, right on Main Street.
Learn more about this business opportunity by clicking on the button below.
BCDA Programs to help you purchase a business
$5,000 GRANT – Energizing Entrepreneurs walks participants through each phase of creating and implementing their business plan.
BCDA’s Business Loan (gap financing) program is a revolving loan fund that provides loans to start-ups and existing businesses in Boone County.
Our Marketing Program gives you the tools to help you create and implement a marketing strategy that fits the needs & goals of your business.
To help local businesses connect to the right planning and resources for transition.
Do you have a Boone County business for sale?
We want to help you spread the word. Fill out the information below and we will list your business information on this page and our social media pages.